Admin REST API - List permission response

I am using the admin REST API below to list the scope based permissions. The API response is missing the scopes, resources and policies associated with the permission. Is there anything to be added in the API to get the missing informations?

Please see the API details below:

Method: GET
Endpoint: {{base_url}}/auth/admin/realms/{{realm}}/clients/{{client_uuid}}/authz/resource-server/permission/scope/


        "id": "e583b831-df02-4acf-98bb-XXXXXXX",
        "name": "notification create",
        "description": "Create notification permission",
        "type": "scope",
        "logic": "POSITIVE",
        "decisionStrategy": "UNANIMOUS",
        "resourceType": ""
        "id": "ff3679cf-bea0-4bbc-b7b6-XXXXXXXX",
        "name": "notification edit",
        "description": "",
        "type": "scope",
        "logic": "POSITIVE",
        "decisionStrategy": "UNANIMOUS"