Cannot deploy .jar file from keycloakify to keycloak custom themes

Hey i am trying to deploy .jar file i built for my custom theme using keycloakify. I am using docker compose to deploy keycloak in virtual machine. I first copy the file succesfully in the root folder and i can see it there ‘keycloak-theme.jar’.
Then in the docker-compose.yml file i add a volume as following:

  - ./themes/keycloak-theme.jar:/opt/keycloak/providers/keycloak-theme.jar

I think i am doing something wrong but not sure what, tried mulriple different ways. I have little experience with docker soo thats probably the case

I think plugins ( which includes themes) are build-time deps, so you need to add them to the docker images before you run build in the image build process.

Can you please post errors or startup logs?

What you’re doing is fine, as long as you are running with start-dev or start without the --optimized flag/