Cannot pull keycloak-admin-client-jakarta depdendency because of a transitive dependency

When adding the following gradle dependency (latest at this time):
implementation 'org.keycloak:keycloak-admin-client-jakarta:21.0.1'

I get this error:
Could not find jackson-module-jaxb-annotations-2.14.2-jakarta.jar (com.fasterxml.jackson.module:jackson-module-jaxb-annotations:2.14.2)

I tried to exclude like this
exclude group: 'com.fasterxml.jackson.module', module: 'jackson-module-jaxb-annotations'
but I still got the error. Any idea how to fix this?

Apparently excluding these transitive dependencies solves the problem:

        exclude group: 'com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs', module: 'jackson-jaxrs-base'
        exclude group: 'com.fasterxml.jackson.module', module: 'jackson-module-jaxb-annotations'
        exclude group: 'com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs', module: 'jackson-jaxrs-json-provider'

But anyway, that should not be required.

This solves compile time errors, but runtime some classes are missing.

Hit the same problem. Any proper fixes?

I personally downgraded it to a non-jakarta version (20.0.0). I’ll upgrade it when a fix is available.