Cannot use ${vault.ID} inside Bind Credentials field in LDAP User Federation

What is the problem ?

I would like to set the Bind credentials of my ldap admin user in the ldap user federation form on the UI. I tried to set the ${vault.ID} string in the field but I am getting a LDAP: error code 49 - Invalid Credentials error.

Can someone help me to find why this is not working ?


Keycloak Version: 20.0.1
Deployment: Kubernetes Operator

Bind type: simple
Bind DN: cn=admin,dc=mysuperdc,dc=io
Bind credentials: ${vault.test_bindCredential}
Name of the realm: test

I mounted a kubernetes secret with the admin password of the LDAP to /opt/keycloak/secrets. I tried ldap_bindCredential and test_bindCredential

If you want more information about my environment, feel free to ask

Solved: Bind credentials should be ${vault.bindCredential} in the UI and in KeycloakRealmImport with operator