Change user password API

I am using Keycloak 14 and I want to know if there is a ROOT or API to change the user’s password without admin privileges, I want to consume it with Postman, i found this one
POST /auth/realms/your-realm/account/credentials/password i tested with this body

    "currentPassword": "1234",
    "newPassword": "123456789",
    "confirmation": "123456789"

it didn’t work "error": "RESTEASY003210: Could not find resource for full path: https://.....

Thank you in advance

@Steinkauz @vmuzikar @loudmouth @gmesml @mposolda @rohit @spagop @rbradfield @nejcn001 @kukukk i will be grateful if you can help me :pray:

@aggoun Hello, it is not supported to update credentials using Account REST API.

thank you for your answer :pray:

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