Client Permissions on Resources not reflecting on Clients

Hi team,
I am trying to achieve a role based access to clients in Keycloak. For instance the users which are mapped to a role say access-only should only be authenticated to a client(for instance Grafana).

I am following an approach similar to and

I created two users access_user mapped it to a role access-only and no_access_user and left it unmapped.
Here are few snapshots of the configuration I made.
Created a policy access-only under the client grafana

used that policy in default_permission, applied it to default_resource

When I evaluate the auth flow in keycloak with no_access_user mapped to a role other that access-only, it shows Deny, which is as expected

but when I access the OpenID Connect client which is configured with Keycloak as no_acess_user

I am able to login the client (grafana), ideally no_access_user who is not mapped to access-only role shouldn’t have been able to login to grafana.

Can someone please help me resolve this.

Again I am trying to achieve

I am trying to achieve a role based access to clients in Keycloak.

I did try another method which only works partially

I’d really appreciate help here.

Mohammed Adain