Configuring Keycloak 17.X Quarkus in Clustered Domain mode


My org has charged me to prepare our team to migrate from RHSSO 7.5 to RHSSO 8 as soon as possible. To do so im trying to recreate our configurations using a Quarkus based Keycloak (17.0.1) architecture. We are so far using a clustered domain mode and we are not ready yet to migrate to container based architecture.

I successfuly recreated a standalone architecture pretty easily using the `keycloak.conf`` file. Problem is for domain clustered mode. What is the equivalent to the host-slave & host-master files we used to have at our disposal? Documentations mentions a config-default.xml file which is missing in both the 17.0 and 17.0.1 distribution i downloaded. Am i missing something ?

Documentation on this topic is heavily lacking for now, I would not dare to ask otherwise !

Thanks already.

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With Quarkus-Keycloak, there is no more standalone vs. domain mode.
This was a Wildfly-specific config/runtime model.

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Hi, thanks for your quick answer !

So is it still possible to spread a configuration from a master to nodes without using third-party software such as Ansible (i.e keeping the previous domain architecture) ? or are you forced to replicate keycloaks nodes such as in your example ?

edit : to be accurate for eventuals readers, in domain controller mode, nodes synchronize their configuration based on domain-controllers one. It is not spread from master to nodes.


There is no more such a thing like a “master”, as this was special to Wildfly domain mode. Keycloak never relied on such a feature.

If you don’t use a containerized environment, you’re doing yourself a favor (not only for using Keycloak, but in general!) if you have an option to automate and script your environment. E.g. like you already mentioned with Ansible or likewise tools.

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If i was in charge, we would have a containrized environment for years.

Anyways, crystal clear, thanks for your reactiveness and your work !
