Confirming user email before committing email address update


I have browsed similar subjects in the group but they all date from Keycloak v15, so I am asking this again to check if Keycloak has evolved on this :

When a user updates his email address, is it possible to send a confirmation email which he has to click before committing the update into Keycloak database?
I think it’s currently a flaw in our identification system based on Keycloak.

Thank you for the updates


A good information source is always the official Keycloak documentation.

Currently, there’s the “Update Email” feature (still preview, one has to enable it to use/test it!).
Docs: Server Administration Guide

And I created a video about it some months ago:

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Thank you so much for the reply and the video which is very clear!

Hello Sasniko

thanks for this new feature. Is it possible to do that by the API ?

Thank you

No. It’s implemented through a RequiredAction, it has to be executed through a browser acting directly on the Keycloak server.

Ok thanks you for Quick answer