Custom Authentication provider

Hello everyone
I have my own cross-platform internal application for company employees and we use keycloak as an SSO
Now, in order to log in, the user must be redirected to the keycloak authorization page. And he also completely manages the session.
I would like to make it so that the user logs in to my application and it also manages the session. I also want my application to open when logging in to other services, not keycloak (respectively, if the user has already logged in, he does not need to re-enter the data)
Is there a way to do something like this?
The only thing I could do now was login and password authorization (exchanging login and password for a token). But this does not meet the requirements that I outlined above.

Yes, simply don’t use Keycloak.

Keycloak is an OIDC compliant Identity Provider. If you don’t want to use OIDC, don’t use Keycloak. If you want to use Keycloak, learn how OIDC works, there are plenty of resources out there, GIYF.

Ok, thank you
Must learn more

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