Determining who did the update, user or an admin

Hey, I am writing a custom validator for the update of the attribute.
and I want to determin who is updating the attribute. if it is an Admin then it is allowed, if it is a normal user then it is not.
I can’t use the built-in feature in User Profile in the Admin Console because I want the user to determine the value of this attribute by the registration phase, but only an admin allowed to change it later on.
I just want to reach the user, I know how to determin wether it is Admin or not, but I need to reach its data first.
I couldn’t use the AuthenticationSession because it is always null with update.
Any suggestions?

Hi @Maha96 can you share some code snippet?

public ValidationContext validate(Object input, String inputHint, ValidationContext context,
		ValidatorConfig config) {
	LOGGER.debugv("Validate Unchangable {0}", inputHint);
	AttributeContext attributeContext = ((UserProfileAttributeValidationContext) context).getAttributeContext();
	UserModel user = attributeContext.getUser();
	// Extract the current and updated attribute value
	String currentValue = user.getFirstAttribute(inputHint);
	String updatedValue = attributeContext.getAttribute().getValue().toString().replace("[", "").replace("]", "");
	Entry<String, List<String>> unchangeableAttribute = attributeContext.getAttribute();
	LOGGER.debugv("validate Unchangeable Attribute(): attribute unchangeable: {0} = {1}",
			unchangeableAttribute.getKey(), unchangeableAttribute.getValue());
	// Extract the configuration parameters
	boolean isChangeableByAdmin = config.getBoolean(IS_CHANGEABLE_BY_ADMIN);
	boolean isChangeableByUser = config.getBoolean(IS_CHANGEABLE_BY_USER);

	// Check if the AccountType has changed
	if (currentValue != null && !currentValue.equals(updatedValue)) {
		// Determine if the user or admin is allowed to change the attribute
		boolean isAdmin = isAdminUpdate(context.getSession().getContext().getRealm(), session);
		if ((isAdmin && !isChangeableByAdmin) || (!isAdmin && !isChangeableByUser)) {
			// Add a validation error if the change is not allowed
			ValidationError validationError = new ValidationError(getId(), "user.attributes." + inputHint,
					"You are not Allowed to change the " + inputHint);

			LOGGER.debugv("validate(): added validation error: {0}", validationError.toString());

	return context;


I want to write the method isAdminUpdate(context.getSession().getContext().getRealm(), session)
that tells me who did the update action, an admin or user, but I don’t seem to catch the user who did the action, I can only reach the user whom update was changed