External service authentication


i have a keycloak server in my local network, which is only reachable from my local network and i also have an external service, which cannot reach my local keycloak server, but i need to enable oidc authentication for this service.

At the keycloak clients configuration, i found the access-type option “public”. If i unterstand it correctly, this should be possible with this option?

I also tried it with keycloak-gatekeeper, but gatekeeper needs an secret key (which is not available in the public mode).

What’s the correct configuration?

Thanks for help!

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I’m not shure, but i think you shoud configure port forward for accessing to keycloak instance via external service. I don’t think, that “public” switch can resolve your issue. This is just network access problem.

Hello g0ha,

For security reasons i want to avoid, that my keycloak server is public accessable.

Is there no other way?

Best regards,

If external service have “white” ip address, you can make access only for this IP (Via firewall on your gate)