Gatekeeper not passing through kc_idp_hint to Keycloak

When I send the hint parameter to gatekeeper, it does not include it when it redirects to Keycloak for authentication, so I do get the login page instead of automatically redirecting to the IdP’s one.
Is there a way to achieve this?
I am currently using v8.0.1 for both GK and KC

Thank you!


How did you sent the hint parameter to gatekeeper?

Thank you for the quick response… I appended to the gatekeeper’s url as a plain url param, do you have an example of how this should be done?

Hi jangaraj, could you please point me out to an example to be able to accomplish a kc_idp_hint parameter pass through so it reaches (added to) the keycloak’s url (so it can bypass the login page and redirect to the idp automatically)?

Thank you!


Nope, IMHO it isn’t supported atm.

Oh unfortunate! @jangaraj Thank you again for your quick response.
Everyone else, if you know any different, please advise. Thank you!


Hi, what is the process to suggest the feature enhancement request for this?

JIRA - Issue tracker for bugs and feature requests

Thank you, I think this one already kind of asks for it.