I’m trying to follow up this example https://github.com/oauth2-proxy/oauth2-proxy/tree/master/contrib/local-environment/kubernetes but with Keycloak.
I want to deploy Keycloak in k8s cluster with kind and helm charts. And having such config in my Values.yaml:
basepath: auth
username: admin
password: vZnyZCfbLrxYM6PW
extraEnv: |
value: "true"
enabled: true
kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/use-regex: "true"
path: /auth/?(.*)
- keycloak.localtest.me
Where -keycloak.localtest.me is in my dns hosts. Accessing nginx I see that keycloak configuration is present with *.keycloak.example.com
And in nginx log I see this:
Error getting SSL certificate "default/keycloak-tls": local SSL certificate default/keycloak-tls was not found
So when I go to keycloak.localtest.me
nothing happens. How can I access Keycloack? Example =http://keycloak.localtest.me/auth/realms/master?
$ kubectl get secret keycloak-tls -n ingress-nginx
Gives me: Error from server (NotFound): secrets "keycloak-tls" not found
What can I do make this small example work?