How do I add "Terms and Conditions" (i.e. Required Actions) for users in Keycloak admin console via importing realm.json?

I have imported realm.json (In admin console, Create Realm-> browse resource file) where existing users are also present.

"users" : [ {
"id" : "id",
"createdTimestamp" : 1622625059225,
"username" : "username",
"enabled" : true,
"totp" : false,
"emailVerified" : true,
"email" : "",
"credentials" : [ {
  "id" : "credential_id",
  "type" : "password",
  "createdDate" : 1622625153395,
  "secretData" : "{...}",
  "credentialData" : "...":{}}"
} ],
"disableableCredentialTypes" : [ ],
**"requiredActions" : [ "terms_and_conditions"],**
"realmRoles" : [ "user" ],
"clientRoles" : {
  "account" : [ "view", "manage" ]
"notBefore" : 0,
"groups" : [ "/groups" ]


I have enable “Terms and Conditions” from root requiredActions

"requiredActions" : [ {
"alias" : "terms_and_conditions",
"name" : "Terms and Conditions",
"providerId" : "terms_and_conditions",
"enabled" : true,
"defaultAction" : true,
"priority" : 10,
"config" : { }


Now after importing the realm.json, I am able to see the “Terms and Conditions” in Users details tab.
enter image description here

But “Terms and Conditions” page is not appearing while Login to application.

Note: If I explicitly add terms and conditions from required actions dropdown then only it works fine.

I am having the same issues were you able to find the solution? Also in my case in the Required user actions for the user, the entry for the user action is shown capitalized.