How to change process of updating user's email on account page

Hello everyone,

I’m looking for a way to change the behaviour that keycloak changes the user’s email address on the account page.

The current (default) behaviour is:

  • A user update his email on the account page and clicks save button.
  • Email address will be changed immediately.
  • After next login with new email the user will receive email verification.
  • User clicks on link in email and can login with new email.

It would be great if the following were possible:

  1. User types new email into the field on the account page.
  2. There is a second field for the password the user has to type. Otherwise it is not possible to update the email.
  3. If password was correct a verification email is sent to the new email address.
  4. User clicks on the link in verification email.
  5. Now the new email address was saved in keycloak.
  6. User is logged out and he sees the page with message “Your email address has been changed successfully. Please log in again.”


  1. The necessary entry of the password prevents a third party from changing the email address on the user’s PC.
  2. Save new e-mail address only after verification prevents the user from accidentally saving a wrong e-mail address and being unable to log in afterwards.


  1. Is this possible?
  2. If yes, how should I implement this?
  3. If no, are there any alternatives?

Best regards,

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Nobody really has an idea? :thinking: