How to redirect after registraion keycloak

hey, I have implemented keycloak in angular using this library keycloak-angular - npm. so my question is after registration in keycloak how to redirect custom page (like thank you page and show message that u have successfully registered)

I did this as a default required action that renders a “welcome” page. That way, it always gets added for a new user following registration. You’ll have to implement a simple RequiredAction that renders the .ftl in your theme, and then just marks it success when processing the action. E.g.

  public void requiredActionChallenge(RequiredActionContext context) {
    Response challenge = context.form().createForm("welcom-page.ftl");

  public void processAction(RequiredActionContext context) {

and the .ftl will need a form submit to url.loginAction to actually invoke the action. E.g.

        <form action="${url.loginAction}" method="POST">
            <input name="accept" type="submit">Go!</input>

I’ve tried to do the same to the password reset, but the required action is never played (I want after the user click send email, to show a page “bla bla you will receive an email”, but now it returns to login page). And the bad part is now in the flow when I press on the link in the email I get an error in the flow.

is there a way to change the url.loginAction of the Send Reset Email to my template? “Show Email Sent” ? I’m struggling to find there a good place to add a new url action.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance


I am using keycloack v25 how i can add this action ?
