I am trying to point Db and SSL to new Db, unfortunately it strucks at loading scenario only, and not moving forward and i am getting error as i am sending file, please help me.
Thank you
If you refresh does it let you in?
Thank you for your response,
I have done it many times still no use and i am not seeing any kind of error in command prompt from where i am running it, except this error in console
Can you check the âNetworkâ tab in your browser dev tools for the request its sending when you initially try to access the admin console?
I encountered a similar issue of being stuck on the loading spinner for the admin console as you have in your screenshot, and my fix was to ensure the hostname I provided in the Keycloak config matched the value I was attempting to use when entering the URL in the browser.
Check your Network tab and see what the value for the host is in the request.
So what should be the hostname?
How to enable Transaction recovery in keycloak 20.0.2?!
For the hostname, I canât say without seeing what your request looks like in the network tab.
As an example, I stood up an instance of Keycloak where the IP address was, but in the Keycloak config I specified a hostname value of âkeycloak-trialâ - because of this, even though I was navigating to the correct IP/port of, I was unable to access my Keycloak instance as it was expecting âkeycloak-trialâ as the host so when I accessed https://keycloak-trial:8443 (after updating my hosts file), I was then able to access as expected.
It may be that your Keycloak instance is expecting instead of localhost, but again you can check the host in the request to confirm and adjust your config/settings accordingly.
Regarding your question on transaction recovery, try [SOLVED] Keycloak 20.0.2 - Transaction recovery warning â the discourse forum has a handy search function
Setting KC_HOSTNAME_STRICT to false in the config may allow you to access as localhost:8443
Yeah i made hostname as localhost and then new error appeared regarding database.
Thank you, there was an another error for dB
Not sure if this helps.
I set KC_HOSTNAME in my docker-compose file to an alias value defined in my /etc/hosts and I am getting the same issue.
If I unset it, I can access the console.
Hostname resolved, but getting some kind of DB error this time i am getting
Hello @broker, @rad-pat, @hudsonsoft Everything is working fine now Thank you all for your valuable suggestions,
I have one other doubt, now my application is running on localhost, after i deployed into one of my VM Servers where i need to mention my front-end url, admin console url and url used to integrate in the application, where i need to mention these urls and what is the format?
- The front-end URL is the URL that users will use to access the Keycloak login page, where they can authenticate themselves.
- The admin console URL is the URL that Keycloak administrators will use to access the Keycloak administration console, where they can manage users, roles, and other settings.
- The URL used to integrate in the application is the URL that developers will use to integrate Keycloak with their application.
The format of these URLs will depend on how you have configured Keycloak and your web server. Typically, the front-end URL will be in the format of âhttps://your-domain.com/authâ, the admin console URL will be in the format of âhttps://your-domain.com/auth/adminâ and the URL used to integrate in the application will be in the format of âhttps://your-domain.com/auth/realms/your-realmâ
Thank you for your reply,
where i need to configure? these urls? domain names
You will need to configure these URLs in a few different places, depending on how you have set up Keycloak.
- To configure the front-end URL, you will need to set up a domain and configure a web server to proxy requests to Keycloak. In the web server configuration, you will need to specify the front-end URL as the location to proxy requests to.
- To configure the admin console URL, you will need to set up a domain and configure a web server to proxy requests to Keycloak. In the web server configuration, you will need to specify the admin console URL as the location to proxy requests to.
- To configure the URL used to integrate in the application, you will need to specify the URL in the applicationâs configuration. This URL will be used to redirect the user to the Keycloak login page and to obtain the userâs information after the user has logged in.
You can also configure these URLs directly in Keycloak, by going to the realm setting, and then in the URLs section, you can specify the URLs for Login, Admin Console and Account.
Thank you again,
I have all those urls already
See here i have version 11 of keycloak which is linked with postgresDB,
Now i have configured the Db to new version keycloak 20.0.2,
So i want to stop the older one in my vm and start the new one, if i start new one in my vm, what is the url i get, what is the hostname i need to specify, if i specify my older ones hostname will it work? instead configuring urls in keycloak.conf file?!
If you have upgraded your Keycloak server to version 20.0.2 and linked it to a new PostgresDB, you should stop the older version of Keycloak on your VM before starting the new version.
The URL you will get when starting the new version of Keycloak on your VM will depend on how you have configured your web server and domain. Typically, the URL will be in the format of âhttps://your-domain.com/authâ.
The hostname you will need to specify when starting the new version of Keycloak on your VM will also depend on how you have configured your web server and domain. If you are using the same hostname as the older version, then it will work, otherwise, you will need to specify the new hostname and configure it in your web server.
You can also configure the URLs in the keycloak.conf file, this will help you to specify the URLs and hostname easily and also you can specify the different parameters of the configuration in this file.
Thank you,
So everything will be there only, i donât need to mention anything, cause every url already there in keycloak console already,
- I have installed the newer version.
- I have configured the ssl cerfs.
- I have configured Db
Now simply i need to stop the previous one and start the new one, the urls will be same as previous one contains right?
If you have installed the newer version of Keycloak, configured the SSL certificates, and configured the database, then you should be able to stop the previous version and start the new one with the same URLs as the previous version.
The URLs in the Keycloak console are based on the configuration of your web server and domain, and as long as these have not been changed, the URLs should remain the same.
When you start the new version of Keycloak, it should use the same configuration as the previous version, including the URLs, so you should not need to do anything further to configure the URLs.
Itâs important to mention that you should test the urls and the functionality of the new version in a staging environment before switching it to production, to ensure that everything is working correctly.
Also, itâs good practice to make a backup of your data before shutting down the older version and starting the new one, just in case something goes wrong during the process.