Import User Profile schema

Hello, I would like some advice on how to import user profile schema automatically. I know there is an export/import option in the admin-panel, but I rather want this to be setup automatically.

I have tried to update the config-piece-0 and config-pieces-count values directly in the database, while having the declarative-user-profile active. But this seem to not update the UserProfile page.

It seemed like a straightforward way to setup keycloak this way. I run a bash script inside a docker container like this:

JSON=`cat /opt/keycloak/data/import/attributes.json`
/opt/keycloak/bin/ import --file /opt/keycloak/data/import/bikefolder-realm.json
COMPONENT_ID=$(mysql --host="mysql-kc" --user="keycloak_user" --password="keycloak_password" --database="keycloak_db" -ss --execute="SELECT ID FROM COMPONENT WHERE PROVIDER_ID='declarative-user-profile';")
mysql --host="mysql-kc" --user="keycloak_user" --password="keycloak_password" --database="keycloak_db" --execute="INSERT INTO COMPONENT_CONFIG (ID, COMPONENT_ID, NAME, VALUE) VALUES ('$UUID', 'c', 'config-piece-0', '$JSON');"
mysql --host="mysql-kc" --user="keycloak_user" --password="keycloak_password" --database="keycloak_db" --execute="INSERT INTO COMPONENT_CONFIG (ID, COMPONENT_ID, NAME, VALUE) VALUES ('$UUID', '$COMPONENT_ID', 'config-pieces-count', 1);"

Is there other ways to do this?

I figured it out. I had this in the real.json:

"org.keycloak.userprofile.UserProfileProvider": [
        "id": "dca4d530-9a30-4819-a084-2a02cecb897c",
        "providerId": "declarative-user-profile",
        "subComponents": {},
        "config": {}

So I could just add this to the config with the attributes:

        "config": {
          "config-pieces-count": ["1"],
          "config-piece-0": [
            "{ \"attributes\": [ ] }"
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