Is it possible to compress url of login page

I am Using keycloak with angular
when angular redirect to keycloak login page i got a big url instead of that can i compress that url through themes or keycloak server
my url : http://loclhost:8080/auth/realms/greytrix/protocol/openid-connect/auth?client_id=gumu&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2F49.248.14.237%3A4200%2F&state=1fc67171-e506-456f-9164-4db4a550b321&response_mode=fragment&response_type=code&scope=openid&nonce=4822eca9-e925-48d7-88df-bd43766f45af

can i compress above url to http://loclhost:8080/auth/realms/greytrix/protocol/openid-connect/auth or respective any small url

if anyone done it please share your views and guide me so i can achieve this.

Thanking You.

All of the parameters in the URL are necessary and unique to each login, so you can’t compress it.

can i hide that parameters. i don’t want to show to the user.
is it possible

These are normal URL request parameters. You cannot hide them.

thank you very much :grin: