Hi! I like how easy it is to extend account pages using the @keycloak/keycloak-account-ui package. But am I missing something or there is no possibility to customize the login/registration page with it?
I want to implement a custom input - countries list that gets populated via a remote API call. And this input should be present on both registration and user account pages.
I found it possible to modify the registration UI using keycloakify, but it leaves me with supporting two projects for a single keycloak theme.
That package is more about using their components to build your own. If you are adding functionality to the account UI or building your own theme, I’d recommend using Keycloakify, as it’s much better from a developer perspective.
In order to do that, I‘d recommend to implement a custom validator for being used in the deckarative user profile in your custom attribute.
This validator would lookup the option values and return them like dmthe default options validator.
The registration page and also the account console both consider the deckarative user profile. (See also my video about the user profile: https://youtu.be/mMLrAB6VRRs)
thanks for the great video! it’s not going to work in my case though, as the logic is too complex o be solved by validators / annotations: i need to get list of countries from remote API, which also contains additional data - IDs, phone codes. THen in the select box display the country name, but save it as an ID in user profile.