When a user belong to multiple organization, and have access to multiple clients within same organisation.
If that user tries to login into the client 1, and then selects which organisation to login (say org1), it will be associated in the access token of client 1
But now same user opens client 2 app, and it auto logs in, but the access token will not contain the selected org.
But it works fine if user belong to only 1 org, then the organisation returns in both of the client’s access_token.
I have raised bug in keycloak for the same, with proper screenshot.
Please advice if this is not actually a bug and I’m doing something wrong?
Here is the link:
opened 05:23PM - 11 Dec 24 UTC
### Before reporting an issue
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### Area
### Describe the bug
When a user belongs to multiple organization within a realm, and when user logs in to client 1, and selec the Organization which they want to login, that selected organization comes in the access_token for client1.
**But when I open the client 2 url, it auto logs in the user, but client 2 access_token does not contain the selected organization.**
It works perfectly fine in case user belongs to only one organization.
### Version
### Regression
- [ ] The issue is a regression
### Expected behavior
The selected organization should be present in the access_token of any of the client where user has access to, if they belong to multiple Org.
<img width="1096" alt="Screenshot 2024-12-11 at 10 38 55 PM" src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/d22aa5f0-50f5-4b8e-86d7-8e2bd505e626" />
### Actual behavior
It's not returning the selected org in access token of the other clients. It is only visible in the client in which I logged in initially.
<img width="1036" alt="Screenshot 2024-12-11 at 10 45 51 PM" src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/2ecd060b-c081-4b9f-b168-64ddf04325f0" />
### How to Reproduce?
Create the structure as below:
**Realm:** VermaTechs
**Clients:** app1, app2 (both are in express.js and I'm using keycloak-connect library to protect the rotues and to serve the build)
Requesting the scope "organization" from the both node.js applications, and scope "organization" is marked as default in realm as well as both clients, and I have modified the mapper to include the attributes of the org in the token.
Company1 (with attributes)
Company2 (with attributes)
User1 belongs to both Organization **Company1** and **Company2**
User2 belongs to only 1 organization **Company2**
Now If I login with user1 in **client1** (app1), and it will ask me to select the organization, after selecting the org, enter the password, and I see that access token contains the selected org with it's attributes.
Now open client2 (app2), it will auto login, which is as expected, but in this, the access token does not contain the org which we selected during login of app1.
User who belongs to Single Organization:
<img width="1096" alt="Screenshot 2024-12-11 at 10 38 55 PM" src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/52e7b0a8-afc3-4088-ac38-c1b8bf10eb22" />
User who belongs to multiple organization:
<img width="1036" alt="Screenshot 2024-12-11 at 10 45 51 PM" src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/1fb28ca7-5d83-45e2-809f-0649f5171ca5" />
But this is working fine if I login with user2, which has access to only 1 organization.
### Anything else?
This is the first time I'm raising a bug. Please correct me if I have made some mistakes.