Keycloack redirect_uri not working for UPDATE_PASSWORD execute-actions-email

I have dug all the topics, i am sending an email to the user when they are onboardded using execute-actions-email endpoint from keycloak, when i go to the link on email, i reset password, it does not redirect, it complains about cookies in my browser, but also when i look at the URL, the client_id is something random and not the one i provided in the query on request. i am using query parameters for redirect_uri and also client_id, for my current client, but literally nothing works, i cant even find a decent example to compare if i am failing with structure…

EDIT: also, the query params i try to provide, are never there when i reset the password. I feel like my main problem is that keycloack somehow does not recognize the query parameters i am passing, redirect_uri isnt even in the url when everything is done