Keycloak 19 Admin2 interface and user storage provider configuration properties missing

I was updating our keycloak instance to new version 19 and per default it is now version 2 of the admin console. The problem I encountered, was that I could see under user federation my custom user storage provider, but no configuration properties besides cache settings. By switching off admin2 feature and going to the old admin interface the options were there. Builtin user storage providers, like for LDAP, have custom options in the admin2 interface, but so far I could see, it is provisioned in theme for the admin interface. Will be the automatic handling of the configuration properties be implemented in admin2 interface or the way to go is to customize the theme?

It’s already addressed:


Just when I was going crazy sifting through my debug logs I found this thread! Thanks a lot. Admn2 will be disabled for now then =/

Good news: it’s already fixed and will be contained in KC20!

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