Keycloak 19 has a "remember me" option for social login?

Hi, i am using keycloak 12 but ive seen that the remember me functionality was not natively supported by keycloak then (Guidance for enabling "remember me" functionality for social providers) but my question is, it is supported now? Or there is any way to implement that? Because if i login with google and then i close the browser and the id token expires, when i reopen the browser the user is no longer logged in and redirects me to the auth page (with remember me this does not happens)

It is weird, because keycloak returns login_required but the session still active on the admin panel

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May be the reason for session being still active it is not yet reached the SSO Session Max and browser deletes the session cookies on close but Keycloak is not aware of it.

I commented in an another topic with my analysis Override keycloak class . May be it helps