Keycloak 21.1.1 build, Smallrye Metrics quarkus : TimedInterceptor has no bindings error

Hey ,

i am upgrading my keycloak from version 19, to 20 and 21…
In the upgrade to 20 i already got the below error during the build…
I updated everything to latest version (quarkus 3.0.0.Final)…

We have some custom providers but nothing to do with metrics, so why i am getting the below error ?
Mvn clean install goes ok, but during build below error is shown…
Looking into the interceptor i don’t see issues since the Binding annotations (jakara) are. there also on the Timed annotation and all versions are latest.

Caused by: io.quarkus.builder.BuildException: Build failure: Build failed due to errors
#0 16.95 [error]: Build step io.quarkus.arc.deployment.ArcProcessor#registerBeans threw an exception: javax.enterprise.inject.spi.DefinitionException: Interceptor has no bindings: io.smallrye.metrics.interceptors.TimedInterceptor
#0 16.95 at io.quarkus.arc.processor.Interceptors.createInterceptor(

never mind finally after 2 days fixed, somewhere smallrye dependencies i put on provided …
most could be on provided but this one had to be in a custom module NOT on provided and also on the custom module using this custom module NOT on provided !!