Keycloak 26.0 | One Realm - One user - Multiple Organization - Give option to select org while Login

Hello Everyone!
I’m trying to configure the multi-tenent feature using One realm Multiple Organization.
When I’m adding the same user to multiple organization, then how can I have a feature to select the organization on the login page?

Or if that is not possible with the current version of keycloak without any custom code, is there any way to return the list of organization and it’s attributes in the access token?
I see that if the user is assigned to only 1 org, it is returning the org attributes in the token, but if user is assigned to multiple org, this claim is not returning in the token.
Is there any solution to this please?

Basically you need to pass scope=organization:* in the authentication request.

There’s been some recent github issues opened about this.

It was also recently added to the official documentation.

Thank you. Yesterday night, I went through official github repo issues section, and found the same stuff.
Thanks again!