I am currently trying to configure SSO for a client via SAML 2.0 and the way i have to do it is by sending HTTP Requests to the Keycloak Rest API Server. I am facing some difficulties finding the right parameters to set, specifically for these 2 settings:
Sign Assertions
is false by default and i need to toggle it to true.
Client Signature Required
is true in my configuration and i need to toggle it to false.
The parameters i am currently sending to the Keycloak API are:
enabled: true
clientId: "{{ client_id }}"
name: "{{ client_name }}"
description: "{{ client_description }}"
protocol: "saml"
frontchannelLogout: true
consentRequired: false
baseUrl: "https://{{ app_name }}.{{ domain }}/"
rootUrl: "https://{{ app_name }}.{{ domain }}/"
- "https://{{ app_name }}.{{ domain }}/*"
I am formatting the request itself via Ansible. The formatting is being done correctly, it’s just that i didn’t find those settings documented anywhere. Is it not possible to set those via the API server?