Keycloak behind Reverse Proxy - SAML response


I want to make sure which flow is correct:

  1. Site A → Proxy → Keycloak → Proxy → Site A
  2. Site A → Proxy → Keycloak → Site A

For OIDC client, I set the redirect_uri as the client url (for both the code and the admin console)
so I guess 2 is right…?

But for SAML client, which I’m currently testing with AzureAD(MS365),

  • when I set the Valid Redirect URIs, Assertion Consumer Service POST Binding URL, and Logout Service POST Binding URL to “https://login.”, the MS login form throws “Cannot find https://[PROXY_DOMAIN]/realms/[realm]” after the ID/PW authentication using keycloak username-password-form.
  • when I set the urls to “https://[PROXY_DOMAIN]/MS” and set the proxy to send to the url above, it seems to lose the saml response before it reaches the client; MS login form asks for the domain again that I get stuck in the loop.

Keycloak Conf File