Keycloak Permissions issue


I would like to create group with specific permissions/roles:

  • member of this group could add/edit/delete any user of realm
  • member of this group could assign any user to any group
  • member of this group could NOT assign any role to any group or to any user
  • member of this group could NOT create new groups

This is what I tried with keycloak 15.0.2. I assigned all user’s permissions to new group and assigned ‘query-users’ and ‘query-groups’ roles to this group. So member of this group:

  • could edit/delete any user of realm
  • could NOT assign any role to any group or to any user

However member of this group could NOT assign any user to any group and could NOT add a new user because button save is not available on add user UI.

The group’s permissions don’t help me so I assigned additional role ‘manage-users’ to this group. The member of this group may do everything what I need but it could assign realm role to group and to user and it could create a new group.

I have two questions:

  • is it possible to block realm roles selector via permissions/roles?
  • is it possible to block creation of groups via permissions/roles?