I have a svelte app using keycloakjs, I have an issue with the redirect_uri
when i’m at a route like http://localhost/#/test for example, and I sign in from there, i’m redirected to the keycloak sign in page, with the url being something like
The issue i’m having is after signing in, keycloak redirects me back to the redirect_uri but it is including all the queryparams after it, so basically the redirect_uri is being set to http ://localhost:5001/#/test&state=63614ff5-fb16-4724-ba12-885227baad8f&session_state=17d5fca4-ead0-4cf0-96c5-bad19f15c883&code=912efd24-405b-452f-8b61-692c8057104f.17d5fca4-ead0-4cf0-96c5-bad19f15c883.b7522c9e-4728-4145-b768-0f5262a8e887
Instead of just http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A5001%2F%23%2Ftest
This causes a problem with my router because that is an invalid url due to test&state