I struggle problem
keycloak version : 18.0.0
My os : cent os 7
My env :
export JAVA_HOME
export PATH
root account execute erorr
command line
./kc.sh start --https-certificate-file=/home/keycloak/certfile.pem --https-certificate-key-file=/home/keycloak/keyfile.pem
error :
[root@master bin]# ./kc.sh start --https-certificate-file=/home/keycloak/certfile.pem --https-certificate-key-file=/home/keycloak/keyfile.pem
2023-04-10 22:46:53,374 INFO [org.keycloak.quarkus.runtime.hostname.DefaultHostnameProvider] (main) Hostname settings: FrontEnd: localhost, Strict HTTPS: true, Path: , Strict BackChannel: false, Admin: , Port: -1, Proxied: false
2023-04-10 22:46:54,124 WARN [org.infinispan.CONFIG] (keycloak-cache-init) ISPN000569: Unable to persist Infinispan internal caches as no global state enabled
2023-04-10 22:46:54,160 WARN [org.infinispan.PERSISTENCE] (keycloak-cache-init) ISPN000554: jboss-marshalling is deprecated and planned for removal
2023-04-10 22:46:54,174 INFO [org.infinispan.CONTAINER] (keycloak-cache-init) ISPN000556: Starting user marshaller ‘org.infinispan.jboss.marshalling.core.JBossUserMarshaller’
2023-04-10 22:46:54,364 INFO [org.infinispan.CONTAINER] (keycloak-cache-init) ISPN000128: Infinispan version: Infinispan ‘Triskaidekaphobia’ 13.0.8.Final
2023-04-10 22:46:54,503 INFO [org.infinispan.CLUSTER] (keycloak-cache-init) ISPN000078: Starting JGroups channel ISPN
2023-04-10 22:46:54,503 INFO [org.infinispan.CLUSTER] (keycloak-cache-init) ISPN000088: Unable to use any JGroups configuration mechanisms provided in properties {}. Using default JGroups configuration!
2023-04-10 22:46:54,555 WARN [org.jgroups.protocols.UDP] (keycloak-cache-init) JGRP000015: the send buffer of socket MulticastSocket was set to 1.00MB, but the OS only allocated 212.99KB
2023-04-10 22:46:54,555 WARN [org.jgroups.protocols.UDP] (keycloak-cache-init) JGRP000015: the receive buffer of socket MulticastSocket was set to 20.00MB, but the OS only allocated 212.99KB
2023-04-10 22:46:54,555 WARN [org.jgroups.protocols.UDP] (keycloak-cache-init) JGRP000015: the send buffer of socket MulticastSocket was set to 1.00MB, but the OS only allocated 212.99KB
2023-04-10 22:46:54,555 WARN [org.jgroups.protocols.UDP] (keycloak-cache-init) JGRP000015: the receive buffer of socket MulticastSocket was set to 25.00MB, but the OS only allocated 212.99KB
2023-04-10 22:46:56,566 INFO [org.jgroups.protocols.pbcast.GMS] (keycloak-cache-init) master-14485: no members discovered after 2002 ms: creating cluster as coordinator
2023-04-10 22:46:56,574 INFO [org.infinispan.CLUSTER] (keycloak-cache-init) ISPN000094: Received new cluster view for channel ISPN: [master-14485|0] (1) [master-14485]
2023-04-10 22:46:56,582 INFO [org.infinispan.CLUSTER] (keycloak-cache-init) ISPN000079: Channel ISPN
local address is master-14485
, physical addresses are []
2023-04-10 22:46:56,926 INFO [org.keycloak.connections.infinispan.DefaultInfinispanConnectionProviderFactory] (main) Node name: master-14485, Site name: null
2023-04-10 22:46:57,035 INFO [org.infinispan.CLUSTER] (main) ISPN000080: Disconnecting JGroups channel ISPN
2023-04-10 22:46:57,087 ERROR [org.keycloak.quarkus.runtime.cli.ExecutionExceptionHandler] (main) ERROR: Failed to start server in (production) mode
2023-04-10 22:46:57,087 ERROR [org.keycloak.quarkus.runtime.cli.ExecutionExceptionHandler] (main) ERROR: /home/keycloak/certfile.pem
2023-04-10 22:46:57,088 ERROR [org.keycloak.quarkus.runtime.cli.ExecutionExceptionHandler] (main) Key material not provided to setup HTTPS. Please configure your keys/certificates or start the server in development mode.
2023-04-10 22:46:57,088 ERROR [org.keycloak.quarkus.runtime.cli.ExecutionExceptionHandler] (main) For more details run the same command passing the ‘–verbose’ option. Also you can use ‘–help’ to see the details about the usage of the particular comman
please help me
thank you