Keycloak with systemd - Upgrade 26.0.0 to 26.0.x issues

I have been setting up a new server, our first, and have run into an issue using systemd to start keycloak. I started on 26.0.0 a while back and was able to make use of this info on Github to allow systemd to start keycloak. Other things then got in the way and I wasn’t able to look at keycloak again till now. With upgrades available I figured I should install the latest, 26.0.5. After downloading it, unzipping it, copying the needed files, and finally changing the symbolic link(keycloak → keycloak-26.0.5) I attempted to start keycloak and was met with this in the journal:

Nov 21 13:02:42 keysso systemd[1]: Started Keycloak Service.
Nov 21 13:02:42 keysso systemd[18786]: keycloak.service: Failed to locate executable /opt/keycloak/bin/ Permission denied
Nov 21 13:02:42 keysso systemd[18786]: keycloak.service: Failed at step EXEC spawning /opt/keycloak/bin/ Permission denied
Nov 21 13:02:42 keysso systemd[1]: keycloak.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=203/EXEC
Nov 21 13:02:42 keysso systemd[1]: keycloak.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.

I then tried all other upgrades starting at 26.0.1 and found that they all had the same issue. I have verified that the keycloak user has access to all the directories and files, even if many are read-only such as the SSL cert and key, and that keycloak will start if I run directly on the console as the keycloak user.

make sure this file is really available and executable for the keycloak user

And of course check that the symlink is really correct.

So what does:

ls -l /opt
ls -l /opt/keycloak
ls -l /opt/keycloak/bin
