LDAP Sync in Keycloak 19

Hi there!

I’m trying to configure a Keycloak instance connected to an LDAP server, with the registration option enabled. I want to make it so that the LDAP is still my central repository of user information and, therefore, any registration made from Keycloak should be reflected in that server as well.

I’ve read in the documentation that an option exists called “Sync Registrations” that does exactly what I want but, despite that documentation claimming to be relative to the version 19.0.2, i find no such option. I’ve already seen videos in Youtube with older interfaces where such option exists but it does not seem to be the case for me and I’m struggling to find any other option that mimmick’s that functionality.

Any suggestions?

@PedroDuarte536 Do you see any errors on the keycloak logs?