Login Timeout by SSO with external IdP


I am implementing a SSO option using SAML with an external IdP. If I inspect the browser and see the received SAML response after I click on the SSO button I can see the authentication data that I need (such as the name of the user and the email), so the communication with the IdP works just fine.

However Keycloak does not perform the login and shows me a page where it says: “We are sorry… Login timeout, Please log in again.”, and no new user is registered. The login timeout for tokens in my realm is set to 30 minutes.

Do you guys know how I can fix this issue?

I follow, I’m facing the same issue.
The SAML response has time in UTC format, the keycloak server is in CEST.

The problem was that when my computer was hibernating the internal clock of the Docker containers stopped. So the time of Keycloak and of the external IdP did not match and hence the timeout error.
Restarting the container fixed the issue.