Merge user attributes into one field after registration


My goal is to merge two or more fields in keycloak user registration form into one User Attribute. Is that possible?

I can add custom user attributes and display them in the registration form.
I can add logic on userRegisterButton click event which basically retrieve all needed data for me and create one variable with all necessary data.

But I can’t send this data into the Keycloak itself, so at the end in the keycloak, in user details tab I have all user attributes separately for each field instead one field with all data merged.

In other words - In user registration I have something like:
userAttr1 - value1,
userAttr2 - value2,
userAttr3 - value3,
userAttr4 - value4

And after user register I get 4 user attributes fields in Keycloak. So basically the same as in registration form:
userAttr1 - value1,
userAttr2 - value2,
userAttr3 - value3,
userAttr4 - value4

What I want is to merge them to one field to have something like:

userAttr - value1, value2, value3, value4

Hope it`s clear now :slight_smile: