My App didn't run when using Keycloak 17.0.0

Hi All,

My App didn’t run when using Keycloak 17.0.0.
But When I am using Keycloak below 17.0.0 it’s working fine.

I am using same config.

Do You have any advice?

Here is the repo link: GitHub - hendisantika/spring-boot-keycloak-thymeleaf-crud: Spring Boot Keycloak Thymeleaf CRUD


In your properties, your auth-server-url is pointing to the context path …/auth.
This has changed in KC17, the default context path ist now root, /.
Change your config accordingly or set the http-relative-path in KC config properly (Keycloak - Server - All configuration)

Hi @dasniko , I have changed it into http://localhost:8080 but still error.

Can You please try it on your local?


Ooo… Sorry. You are right.


Still got another error:

I didn’t get any error when using KC 16.

Any idea?
