No User Groups Synchronization possible


we are connecting our Keycloak instance to AD and it’s configured so changes in AD get stored in Keycloak’s Database. The final goal is to have our Application’s DB synchronised and we are succeeding so far, except for the User Group Memberships.


  • A Group Mapper has been created, connecting it to AD. We have tried with the 3 available modes: LDAP_ONLY, READ_ONLY and IMPORT with no success in any case.

  • When we add or remove a Group from a user in AD (with no other change) and in User Federation we sync for “changed users”, Group changes are not detected at all (Sync of users finished successfully.0 users added, 0 users updated, 0 users removed, 0 users failed.).

  • We have created a custom Event Listener. When synching, no normal Event is dispatched. An Admin Event is dispatched but no info about the User neither about the Group comes with the Event (only Info about the Realm).

  • A custom implementation of LDAPStorageMapper has been done. None of the methods are executed when synching and only Group changes were done in AD (I would expect at least syncDataFromFederationProviderToKeycloak to be executed).

  • Keycloak Tables USER_GROUP_MEMBERSHIP and FED_USER_GROUP_MEMBERSHIP are empty. Even after trying with all the aforementioned Modes LDAP_ONLY, READ_ONLY and IMPORT.

  • When going to User Details in Keycloak, tab Groups:

    • With mode LDAP_ONLY no need for sync. The Groups show up there updated before synching.
    • With mode IMPORT. No Group is shown, neither before nor after synching.
    • With mode READ_ONLY. Groups are shown, but for them to be updated Users changed sync need to be don.

All we need is to find out which users were changed since last sync so we can update their Groups. Any tip on that? Am I missing any table, event, configuration… for that?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Hello, We encountered a similar problem. We just can’t achieve the preservation of groups received from the federation. Did you manage to solve the problem?