Hello everyone,
i have some issue for authentication keycloak in “passkey registration”, after click “register” the dashboard show passkey error, previously I have also tried through other browsers. for the picture I will attach it, if anyone has experienced this issue, I would appreciate any help.
hi there, did you manage to solve this issue?
If the browser does not support Passkeys, there’s no way to solve this issue. In order to troubleshoot the problem, you must check the Keycloak logs to see the real reason, and you can also execute this JS line in the browser: console.log(window.PublicKeyCredential ? "Passkeys supported" : "Passkeys not supported")
to check is WebAuthn is supported.
As usual with Keycloak customizations, you can determine in advance if the browser supports Passkeys to improve the user experience.
In addition, you can implement progressive passkey enrollment during the sign-in process, as I did in this workshop [1].
[1] GitHub - embesozzi/keycloak-workshop-stepup-mfa-biometrics: Keycloak Workshop for Step Up with MFA Biometrics Authentication (Passkeys) and Passwordless experience with Passkeys