Re-Enabling a User After Permanent Lockout

We are currently setting up KeyCloak into our system and we ran into an issue with testing the permanent lockout after logging in with incorrect passwords. Once a user is locked out, when we look at the user details we see the User Enabled switch got set to off. When switching it back to on, and go to the login screen, we still can’t log in assuming the user is not locked anymore. Is there an issue that we need to check with LDAP to see why the user is still locked?



I’m having the same problem without any usage of LDAP or 3rd party systems.
After user fails its password too many times and the permanent Lockout disables the user I can’t go with the admin account to Keycloak admin and re-activate the user again.
I’ve tried:

  1. re-enable the user. On save it should be silently failing and no save can be done.
  2. remove the mentioned attributes and enable the user. Attributes remain at the user and user is still disabled (save action transaction? seems to failing)
  3. remove the mentioned attributes and save. Attributes are permanently removed. Try to enable the user and it still fails.

Am I missing some action on how to re-enable the user, or is this a bug?