Is it possible to configure Keycloak so that the base URL (http://your.keycloak.domain) automatically redirects users to the user account console (http://your.keycloak.domain/realms/master/account) instead of the admin console? If so, what is the recommended way to achieve this without using an external reverse proxy?
Yes of course that would be possible, I have been searching for days in the settings, I personally think it would be cool if this would be possible as a standard feature
This is no more the case since KC17, that’s where they switched to Quarkus as underlying framework. (from 17 - 20 there was the “legacy” distribution, still running on Wildfly, but since 21, there’s only Quarkus!)
The system I work on the most still uses 20. Unfortunately, I haven’t worked much with versions over 20 other than minor support work. Thanks for the info @dasniko .
Both quarkus and wildfly uses Undertow as a web server so it shouldn’t be so different to handle it in webserver layer but also it should be even easier with quarkus to handle this programmatically since you can add route handlers like:
My gut feeling is that it might be less of a problem to use a template when upgrading to a newer version than to change something in the WebServer configuration.
Interesting, it wasn’t a topic I particularly paid attention to before. I assumed it is using Undertow by default, as I had made some small changes on a Keycloak setup before and worked on Undertow. So, it means it was specifically configured to use Undertow.
It looks like there are some documents I need to read. Thanks @dasniko.
Hi @Flo00
I agree with you … there should be a redirect by default when use Frontend URL atribute.
Now it just redirect to master realm login form and it make no sense.