Registration Flow with several forms


I would like to know if it’s possible to add have a registration flow with several form, in wich users could only access to second form if first is validated ?



Found a way to do this by addind extra flow before Registration User Creation. I also create an another FormAuthenticator Registration Page with different Provider-ID. And one Form Action based on Registration User Creation Action. If you need more info don’t hesitate to send me a message :wink:

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Hi @daloulou could you please share a sample code or the screenshot of the registration flow that you are talking about. I’m trying to achieve a similar flow to yours.


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Hi @daloulou, please could you share a sample code? :slight_smile:
Thank you!

Hi @daloulou, I am also trying to implement this. Can you share some snippets for reference.
Thank You!

Hi @tbattisti, Did you find any reference? If yes, can you please share. Thanks.

@awaismemon01 nope :frowning:

Maybe this guide helps: A Step-By-Step Guide On KeyCloak Custom Registration Flow

Hint: I didn’t tried it yet.

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