I’m trying to upgrade from 12.0.4 to 15.0.2 (or any later version) but I encounter a problem on any version <14.0.0 so far.
To summarize:
- I installed keycloak 15.0.2 with the helm charts on my K8s.
- I added the configuration for Active Directory user federation
- I enabled “Import Users” and used Edit Mode “Unsync” for the user federation
Then when I go the “Users” tab and I try to click on any ldap user it says “Resources not found”
What I noticed is that when disabling “Import Users” and making the Edit Mode “READ_ONLY” it works well (but in my case it’s not an option).
Also READ_ONLY mode with “Import Users” enabled still triggers the bug.
Two things I noticed are:
1/ When it doesn’t work the “user_id” keeps changing when doing a search for the same user multiple times
2/ When it works (read_only + disable import_user) the user_id starts with “f:” when otherwise it doesn’t.
If anyone can help with this issue I would be really grateful since it blocks a lot of developpement behind.