Skip IDP redirector / saml-post-form.ftl page

While SSOing application first redirects to IDP redirector page (saml-post-form.ftl one) and then redirects user to SSOed application, is there any way we can skip this redirect process and jump directly into other application system? I want to give user a seamless experience without interrupting them with redirector.

In the Keycloak Admin UI, go to “Authentication”->“Flows”. Select the “Browser” flow and set the “Identity Provider Redirector” to “Disabled”.

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I did that but unfortunately it still shows that screen, anything you think I might be missing?

Can you post your Authentication Flow config and an output of the network tab of the browser inspector to see which redirects are happening?

Hi, did you ever find the answer to your question about eliminating the redirect page? Thanks

If your SAML IdP supports redirect binding, you can switch from POST auth requests to REDIRECT auth requests. In the identity provider setup, change the “Single Sign-On Service URL” to the redirect URL of the IdP and switch “HTTP-POST Binding for AuthnRequest” to OFF.