and user.attributes.dob- needs to be made required/ mandatory in register form

In keycloak registration form I want to make phone number field and Date of birth field mandatory/ required. Without filling phone number and date of birth the form should not be submitted. It should show a validation message like other required fields. How to do this ?

below is the code


Mobile No
<input type="text" id="" class="${properties.kcInputClass!}" name="" value="${(register.formData['']!'')}"

#Date of Birth

Date of Birth

        <div class="${properties.kcInputWrapperClass!}">
            <input type="date" class="${properties.kcInputClass!}" 
            id="user.attributes.dob" name="user.attributes.dob" 

Declarative User Profile SPI may be your friend. See docs for details. It‘s still a preview feature.