Why is auto login NOT happening on registration?

I have had a keycloak server successfully setup for a few years with the ability to auto register and auto login without email confirmation. I’ve now turned on email verification (Realm Settings > Login) and now it no longer auto logins. Having clicked on the email verification link I get a keycloak screen “Confirm validity of email - Click to Proceed” and when I click that I get a new screen I get “Your email address has been verified. - Back to Application”. Back to Application takes me to the app, not logged in, so now I have to login.

From my research and other messages in this group I don’t think this is the default flow so I must have customised something somewhere, but I’ve looked in Realm and Client settings and can’t find anything.

I would expect just one (if any) confirmation screen on clicking the email link and then to go straight to app as signed in user.

Can anyone shed any light on what I have or should do to get this behaviour?