Adding user attribute completed since registration

Hello everyone,

I am a third-year computer science apprentice, and I am working on a project using Keycloak 22.0.4 with Postgres. Since I have never worked with Java before, I am learning as I progress on this project.

As part of this project, I have been asked to add attributes/information about users that they provide during their registration (e.g., gender). I have already figured out how to add fields to the form using the documentation. However, I cannot find the value entered in the form when I search in the database. Furthermore, the documentation mentions modifying the theme of the account console. Unfortunately, I couldn’t locate any files in the Keycloak themes provided during the download to refer to existing code.

I am reaching out to you for more details on adding user attributes, storing them in the database, and modifying them in the user console.

Here is the code I added to login/register.ftl:

<div class="${properties.kcFormGroupClass!}">
    <div class="${properties.kcLabelWrapperClass!}">
        <label for="civility" class="${properties.kcLabelClass!}" style="margin: 0 0 0.5rem 0">${msg("civility")}</label>
    <div class="${properties.kcInputWrapperClass!}">
        <input type="radio" id="Madame" class="" name="civility"
                value="${(register.formData.civility!'')}" autocomplete="civility"
                aria-invalid="<#if messagesPerField.existsError('civility')>true</#if>" checked
                style="margin:0 0.5rem 0 0.5rem"/><!-- a mettre dans un css glogal-->
        <label for="Madame">${msg("miss")}</label>

        <input type="radio" id="Monsieur" class="" name="civility"
                value="${(register.formData.civility!'')}" autocomplete="civility"
                aria-invalid="<#if messagesPerField.existsError('civility')>true</#if>" checked 
                style="margin:0 0.5rem 0 0.5rem"/><!-- a mettre dans un css glogal-->
        <label for="Monsieur">${msg("mister")}</label> <!-- recherche le master dans la bonne langue a partir de la langue configurer pour le client et sa traduction dans des fichier -->

        <#if messagesPerField.existsError('civility')>
            <span id="input-error-civility" class="${properties.kcInputErrorMessageClass!}" aria-live="polite">