Audit Saml request and saml response

Hi to all, I’m searching a way to audit the saml request and saml response. My keycloak act like a SAML service provider and my goal is to have in audit log all the saml request made from service provider and the response returned from identity provider.

I activate the Events and insert all event related to identity provider but in log I can’t find these information, I also make some select in the event_entity table in my postgresql db but the information are the same.
finally in jboss I’ve put in debug all properties in but with no result.

Is possible to do that? if not I’m thinking to use the event listener SPI to do that but I’m wondering if these information are available in that SPI.

any idea?


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An update: I was able to retrieve these informations using the jboss logging adding this in jboss cli: /subsystem=logging/logger=org.keycloak.saml:add(level=DEBUG).

now in my server.log I’ve all the auth request and auth response. my goal is to have it on db and not on file. for your experience is better to use a custom log handler on jboss to write it on db or is possible via keycloak to have these informations using some keycloak properties?
