Can I manage multiple clusters simultaneously? Let's say 5 cluster

Hello, Let’s say I have 5 clusters. I would like to use one of them as an admin cluster. Can I include Keycloak and manage user administration for the developer team with it?

Is this possible?


This doesn’t make a lot of sense. What are you trying to achieve? And why?

My idea was to have a centralized user management, I wanted it to not require different users for different clusters. I’m asking because I don’t know, am I on the wrong track?

My request is this; I have multiple clusters. However, I need to create separate accounts for my developer team in each cluster and assign roles. I thought maybe I could eliminate this problem with keycloak.

Sure you can eliminate the problem with Keycloak, but I would suggest you look at how Keycloak manages users. You could handle your case with realms. Or maybe you need clusters due to different CIA requirements. So, first, do some reading on Keycloak and try it out locally by creating a realm, a user and assigning it a role, etc. Then go lower into your requirements to figure out what you need in term in infrastructure.

Thank you @gmolaire While reading what you wrote, I understood some things better. I think it will be enough to install it in only 1 cluster. I can provide a solution by creating a new realm on the keycloak on the cluster installed with oidc-proxy in each cluster. I continue to try a product that is very new to me.

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