Conditional Flow Loop


My Authentication Flow looks like below:

  • Kerberos (Required)
  • Flow1 (Conditional)
    • Condition1 (Required) - Check custom parameter if user wants usr-pw-form [SPI]
    • Execution1 (Required) - Username Password Form
  • Flow2 (Conditional)
    • Condition2 (Required) - Check if user is not allowed to log in [SPI]
    • Execution2 (Required) - Deny Access
  • Flow3 (Conditional)
    • Condition3 (Required) - Check if user needs MFA [SPI]
    • Execution3 (Required) - MFA [SPI]

What I expected is like below:

  1. Kerberos works fine
    • Go to Flow1
  2. Test account doesn’t meet Condtion1 (=false)
    • Go to Flow2
  3. Test account doesn’t meet Condtion2 (=false)
    • Go to Flow3
  4. Test account meets Condition2 (=true)
    • Do the execution 3 correctly > allow access

But what actually happens is that it starts to behave like below after step4:

  1. Check Condition1 again
  2. Check Condition2 again
  3. Throw “KC-SERVICES0013: Failed authentication: java.lang.NullPointerException” (because the executions1 and 3 do not send the custom parameter I sent in the beginning)

1. How can I make the Conditional Flow as I expect?

  • I tried alternative too, but this isn’t the one I want.
  • Why does it check the false conditions again?

2. How can I use the custom parameters again?

  • I hard-coded the parameters in condition1 and 2 for the null case (step5~7)
  • Then this goes 5, 6, then allows access
  • I send like this “[KEYCLOAK]/…/auth?param1=a&param2=b&…”
  • How can I make the executions to send the param1 and param2 as well?

oh, my keycloak version is 18.0.1!