Confused about WildFly Adapter deprecation

As the downloads page states, the WildFly Adapter is deprecated and supports up to including WildFly 23.
In Keycloak 19, the legacy (non-Elytron) support has been removed.
From this article I understand that from WildFly 25, no adapter at all is needed since WildFly already has all the support for OpenID Connect.
The latest docs however instruct to “install and configure the Keycloak adapter subsystem”.

So there seem to be three options:

  • Keycloak Adapter 18.0.0 including legacy WildFly support
  • Keycloak Adapter later than 18.0.0 including Elytron support only (deprecated)
  • WildFly 25+ with no adapter at all

Is this correct? Which purpose (WildFly releases) serves the deprecated adapter > 18.0.0 with Elytron support only? Is it for WildFly <= 23 with Elytron configured? And what about WildFly 24?